Not feeling well again :(

 Back to nursery and what do we get?
one very sickly baby who vormits and having high fever all because she got infected by mingling around at the nursery and putting her tiny little fingers every now and then inside her mouth and hence making way for germs and bacterias to make their way into her body....
It's not the first time that she went to the nursery and got sick the next day af a matter of fact it's aways been the case with her  :(

Just after we came back from the nursery all she did was vormit, sleep, vormit, sleep and then followed by a very high fever...Im so thankful that the medical centre in just below our apartment building  and it usually opens till 9pm at night very convenient indeed.
Even the Dr said that this is certainly not going to be the last from her because he have three of the same casses on her file dated last august and  she still came up with the same bacterial infection....very frustrating indeed :(

After a dose of very low dosage of medication to treat her vormiting and fever this morning she shows some sign of progress.

And by afternoon Miss M is already on the road to recovery  but still having a slight fever. At least shes making tremendous progress towards getting better can even see her smiling every now and then  :)

get well soon sweetheart...mummy HEART you! muahhhhh!

À bientôt


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