52 Weeks Blogging Challenge #Week-4 ] - Bird Watching

I'm a big fan of birds. I'm always facinated with them especially with their colours so bright and cute tiny face. I just adore them.  As it so happens, my eldest girl is also into birds just like her mom 💓 So double the fun for me 😉

So all these pictures I took using all types of camera that I have on hand and the ones that is much more better in quality is of course I took it with the Nikon and the rest with canon and samsung but all have very good Zooming capabilities just the camera person is not so skilled in taking photos hehehe 😆

All these photos are taken from the vicinity of our house and mostly I took them indoors. But exception for the Rouge Gorge bird (Robyn) our home is like a 2nd home to them. He doesn't mind getting closer to us humans at all that is why we can get a real close up photos of him or her (this part I have no idea 😁)

Anyways, if you guys like birds then you will enjoy these photos I've taken from around my garden snooping or sniping with my 🠞📷

So hope you guys like it 💓

À bientôt and see you soon!!


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