Sentimental Me Friday

This is Sentimental Me Friday that I made just so I can cling to those moments that went by way too fast in our lives and our little baby girl's life and cherish it forever. If you are like me who takes photo of her little girl and on any occasions almost everyday then you will find that this is a good way to compare pics from year to year  or from one month to another of yourselves and your child growing moments :)

Happy  5th wedding anniversary to C & R :)

 ROM - 2008

France - 2009

 Kota Kinabalu - 2010

 Dubai - 2011

 France - 2012

 France - 2013

Each year of marriage 
is different, special & unique

"Love does not consist at gazing at each other
but of looking together in the same direction"

~Antoine de Saint-Exupéry~

Happy Anniversary mon coeur!

À bientôt


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