Blast from the past Monday!

Here's another one of those blast from the past post that I never get to post because I lost all these pictures taken here at The Chateau de Clisson coz of a technical problem resulting in the loss of datas on my hard drive containing these photos here. 

But fortunately, my SIL, whom brought me to visit this beautiful place in the first place got some pics of me and the place during that particular visit and finally I got the time to make copies of it and Voila! here are bit's and pieces of photos of me wild and free hahaha...actually this was taken just one month after me and my husband got married and he went back to work in Angola while I get to roam around France exploring the country with the help from all my beloved family in France :)

Anyhow, here's a little intro about The Chateau de Clisson. The Chateau de Clisson dominates the town centre, and stands in a raised position above the Sèvre river. The castle dates from the 13th to 15th centuries and although significant parts of the castle are in ruins there remains an impressive amount of the medieval castle still to be seen and visited.

I hope one day we'll find some time to visit this chateau again and this time with little Miss M in tow :)

À bientôt


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