Sentimental Me Friday

This is Sentimental Me Friday that I made just so I can cling to those moments that went by way too fast in ours and particularly our three girls lives and cherish it forever. If you are like me who takes photo of their children on all occasions and almost on everyday basis , then you will find that this is a good and useful way to compare pics from year to year or from one month to another of yourselves and your children growing moments :) and to put to use all those pictures you have collected during all those years 👍

Here is a video of her painting at when she was 3 years old
4 years ago she was painting abstracts only with acrilics and water based colours 

some of her abstract works dated 4 years ago

and now...

4 years later....all grown up and painting styles changed and finally she knows how to draw objects and scenery now.


 Bravo my Mumut! Keep up the good job! 👍

À bientôt


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