Blast from the past Monday - Luanda Part 1

About 2 years ago I lost datas from my hard drive that took away alot of my memories when we were living in Luanda, Angola. Then yesterday as I was looking into the tons of folders that I have unsorted in my backup hard drive I finally found a few folders of pictures taken during when I was in Luanda and was taking pictures of kids at a local public swimming pool just for fun. SO I was so thrilled to have found this gem and would like to share them with all of you a piece of Luanda :)

The story behind these photos is that, at that time, I had a lot of time on my hands and I was always looking for something to do with my camera and one day our driver told me that one of his brothers are always at the local  public swimming pool and the kids are always more then eager to show you what talent they have in diving, so I said ok and so off we go. Met our driver's brother and the rest as you can see here kids trying their best to impress my camera with their extraordinaire talents :) 

So here we go!

I tooks loads of pics but can't upload all of them. Anyhow, hope you guys enjoyed these photos :)

À bientôt


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